Published on 18th July 2017 in Uncategorized


The event is one of only six events played over 4 rounds scheduled for Trainees and is designed to allow Trainee Professionals to experience the atmosphere of a major tournament. Trainees from throughout NSW and Australia will compete for over $40,000 in prize money.

The 2017 Championships will run over 4 consecutive days from Tuesday 5th September – Friday 8th September, with a Pro-Am to take place on Monday the 4th September prior to the first round of competition.


Date: Monday 4th September 

Time: 11:30AM Shotgun Start

ENTRY FEE – $100 Adults, $70 Platinum Members & $50 Juniors

Includes Green Fees with Carts, Light Lunch, Dinner, Wine, Soft Drink and Prizes

Registration Form 




As a sponsor of this event, your business will be promoted through all facets of Riverside Oaks’ media and advertisement. This will include our website, our database of over 11,000 members and corporate clients, both golf course and internal signage as well as local and national media such as Hill Shire Times, Hawkesbury and Penrith Gazette newspapers & Inside Golf Magazine

There are a selection of sponsorship opportunities available for this event, each providing sponsors with various levels of exposure, brand recognition and networking opportunities.

Below are the packages which include Major Supporting Partner and Supporting Partner.

Please feel free to contact Lisa Giles on 45603200 or lgiles@riversideoaks.com.au 


PGA Championships

PGA Championships

Social Corporate Golf

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